Monday 19 March 2018

Day 28

So I have 2 exams tomorrow so I thought I'd start by revising those. Now I started studying at about 10:30! Which I know is really late! But I guess it's more about how much you do than how many hours you study for?
The tests I have are on Physics (Topic 10) and Design Technology!
So I'm gonna finish up with some technology notes first!

I started by reviewing the notes I had made last week on Friday. The test I have is on like materials and Health & Safety.I decided that it would be handy by the end of the year to have a book on materials, almost like a materials bible. So I started off by making that! On a Google Word Document, I created the book and to further my knowledge I looked into each material separately. I want to specialise in Materials Science in the future so this was really helpful and kills two birds with one stone. The more I learnt about each material the easier it was to understand why it was used for certain things etc.

I then decided to move onto revision for my Physics test tomorrow! I decided to start off easy by first completing the end of chapter questions and then worked up to exam questions. I decided it was probably best to earn the key terms needed for this topic. So I wrote them on these small pieces of paper. To revise the term I would write it down about 3-5 times and say it aloud afterwards. I know this seems like quite a primary school thing today but it does it work. I'd also come back to these card every few hours to see if had learnt it. Although key tip here, I did this so I wouldn't miss out on key terms! You should obviously never go into an exam with just the memory of keywords and no idea how they correlate to the topic.

So I continue with more exam questions. Afterwards, I decided to do some Mechanics Revision on the stuff we had learnt at the beginning of the term. As opposed to doing all exercise though, I just focused on the Mixed Exercises and finished them for Topic 8.

Now, this was pretty much it for today. If I'm totally honest this doesn't look like much! I did want to take a picture of all the exam questions because that would be boring.  Although I find I study better at night. So I'm going to write notes for topic 4 of Chemistry tonight and probably do a recap on things like polar bonding and solubility and stuff. I might also do some Maths, depending on how quick the recap is!

Lina! x

(so this was yesterday's post! Just transferring things)